PS Nestor (Sirotenko), Bishop of Corsun

On the 24th of December 2010 PS Nestor (Sirotenko) was named Bishop of Corsun. He is responsible for Moscow’s Patriarchate communities from France, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal. PS Innochentie Vassiliev is the successor, known as Archbishop of Vilnius and Lithuania. On May 31, 2010 the Holy Synod of Russian Orthodox Church appointed PS Nestor as bishop of Cafa, suffragan diocese of Corsun. His Episcopal ordination took place on the 5th of September 2010, also the day of Saint Irenaeus of Lyon, and the ceremony took place at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow. During 2008 – 2010, PS Nestor was vicar of parishes of Corsun diocese in France and also vicar of Holy Three Hierarchs cathedral in Paris. Born in 1974 in Moscow, PS Nestor did his studies at the seminary and the Theological Academy in Serghiev Posad. He arrived in France in 1999 in order to continue his studies at St. Serghie Orthodox Theological Institute. During several years father Nestor was vicar at the Orthodox Church in Asnieres which is within the jurisdiction of Western European Exarchate of Parishes of Russian patriarchate of Constantinople. PS Nestor is teaching pastoral theology at the Russian Orthodox Seminary in Epinay-sous-Senart.