During the last years, the Moldovans who went abroad to work, study or live have sought support and consolation for their souls in the existing Orthodox Churches.
However, in some locations where they were missing, at people’s initiative new Orthodox communities were built. In this way people have the possibility to pray for those at home and for their loved ones and they can meet other compatriots and help each other.
In order to have an administrative center of the Moldovan Orthodox parishes and communities, in Paris, was established an administrative office for all these communities.
The administrative center works with PS Nestor’s blessing, Bishop of Corsun, Moscow Patriarchate, and it is representing all the orthodox communities from France, Switzerland, Spain and Portugal.
For more information please contact us at: contact@ortodoxmd.eu
Responsible and contact person: Hiermonk Iosif Pavlinciuc: + 33 6 48 12 07 68